
Showing posts from October, 2019

MMO Prototype - Phase TWO

  I'm a little late but I managed to finish the prep work to finally present to you a "playable" public build of the prototype. I didn't get the VPS that I originally wanted to host the game, so the specs of the server is much, much less powerful than ideal but it should still be a good test to see if my code holds up. So here is the playable map for now: As you can see from the image above, I've set up 2 instanced zones (coloured in cyan and magenta) while everything else is open world. Place houses, trees, lamps, boxes.. turn lamps on and off, open doors, cut trees. Instanced zones are currently private, you won't be able to see other people inside these areas if you're inside one yourself. I've currently disabled the ability to place any object in instanced areas but you can stillinteract with the objects already there. Chat should be working; I didn't get the chance to test it too much. You can't see the name...

MMO Prototype - (important) Stress Test Phase TWO

It's been about two months, now, since I've started slowly working on a MMO prototype. The basic authoritative server functionality are there as well as prop/decoration management. Phase ONE  (login in the game from a client that wasn't in the same local network as the server) was a success. Soon, it'll be time for Phase TWO. Hopefully,  by the start of next week , I'll be setting up a VPS and open the server to the "public". The server will be up and running for as long as I can (assuming it doesn't crash or output bugs) to give you guys the opportunity to log in and test what you see in Phase ONE for yourselves. It's not much, but it's a very important step for this project. I need YOU to log in and stress the SHIT out of the server! The goal here is to see how well the server handles multiple objects/requests from multiple players. I need (in order of importance): As many players logged in  at once  as possible!  The client will display the ...

Terrain scale test

I had some spare time today to do a little bit of work. I basically imported chunks of terrain of a particular zone (the starting location of one of the three factions ~ the snowy mountains) and ran around aimlessly to try to get a sense of scale. If you’re seen the  previous thread , you can see the scale of the terrain relative to the houses and trees. While the world might be a tad small at this scale for an MMO, the player character is too small to be seen in the image. It takes approximately 3 minutes to cross (from left to right) while sprinting nonstop… which is roughly 2/3rds of the length of the "Hillsbrad Foothills" zone in World of Warcraft at the default/standard foot speed. I’m relatively satisfied.