MMO Prototype - Phase ONE

This might not be that impressive considering the amount of work that's still remaining but Phase ONE is still a success. I got to connect to a server that isn't in my local network.

Server is a really old Mac Mini on the east coast of North American hosting an active Minecraft server in the background.

The Client is on the west coast connected via a tethered connect from a cellphone.

Everything shown is server authoritative (including player movement and gravity):

  • placement of objects.

  • repositioning of objects (owned by player ~ with object hierarchy).

  • removal of objects (owned by player).

  • trees that can respawn and grow.

  • houses with doors that open and close.

  • lamps that can be turned on and off.

  • player object limit (had to remove a box in order to add another inside the house).

The delay between client request and server response can be seen by the amount of time between the moment the "ghost" of the object disappears and the moment the object appears/updates on screen.

What this video does not show:

  • multiple players (and what each are allowed to do to objects in the scene).

  • chat.

  • multiple instances/phases and how players transition between them (the objects are red because red is my debug mode for "MMO", so all objects were placed in the MMO space).

  • NPC dialogue.

  • EDIT: trees can't grow back if there's something if its place (a character or a prop).

I noticed a few bugs that I couldn't detect before this test and I'll need to squash them before Phase TWO. I doubt Phase TWO will happen next week as I want the basics to work as flawlessly as possible before I make the server handle as many players as I can. 


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