MMO Prototype - Phase 2.5 - Need writers
Phase 2.5 of my MMO Prototype will be available soon! I label it "2.5" as it's essentially an extension of phase two which was designed as a stress test for the server. New additions are as followed: To help people stress test, I've added in a /dance command that will automatically shift the player character back and forth indefinitely (until cancelled by manual movement). This will enable people to run multiple instances of the client so that more is asked of the server. To accomplish what SotA was originally trying to do with its dialogue system, I've written my own text parser. Players can now walk up to an NPC and chat with them. What delays this new phase from being available right now is that, while NPCs can understand typed words, they offer no replies of their own... because there's no text written. This is where some of you come in: I need people to write generic dialogue. "Generic" in the sense that if a particular NPC doesn't have a cu...